“Please continue to pray for our pastor’s recovery after the surgery. And for my
mental and physical health—winter months are usually harder for me as I get sick quite often (too often). Also, please, pray for continued creativity as I write psalms for our new Psalter.”
February 13
Thank you for continuing to pray for me as I adjust to my favourite teammate, Tina, being away for eight months. It's been three weeks now since she left. I miss being able to talk through mission decisions together everyday. One couple has been here for 12 years, so they are a great help. Another couple just arrived late last year and we are still getting them up to speed on mission business.
A training with my community health team (CHT) has been delayed multiple weeks. I have delegated the organisation of it to nurse Melda who has been co-managing the CHT with me. Please pray for me to better be able to communicate with her and encourage her to move forward to having this training on Wednesday next week. She will ask one of our mission clinic's midwives to review a previous training regarding the importance of early antenatal (prenatal) care. Please pray that I will also get time to join the two health teachers in the village before then to help assess their implementation of these ideas. One was sick today and the other brought their sick child in for malaria testing.
1. In early March Brenda and I will have a quick trip to Ontario for a wedding but while there trying to connect also with some of our Josiah Venture partners. Pray for safe travels and good connections.
2. God has provided the opportunity for both Brenda and I to continue to connect directly with youth by teaching a 6th grade Biblical Worldview class in a private Christian school not far from us. We are so thankful for God's provision to be involved in our community with these students.
3. Later this month we'll be meeting with some of the staff from our church here in Texas to discuss a deepening partnership between the church and Josiah Venture. It will probably mean taking some of our pastoral staff over to Europe this September to see some of the ministry there. Pray for a good meeting as we discern together next steps.
Click here to learn more about Josiah Venture
We praise God for Diana and the years she has been our freind and supporter. Born in Queens, NY, 95 years ago today. She spent many years of her life in Northern India teaching and sharing the love of Jesus.
Ruth and Greig were dedicated members of Knox Presbyterian Church in Toronto, ON, she devoted much of her time to her family and to supporting various Christian organizations including KWM workers.
Tribute to Ruth Brown
February 6, 2025
Thank you for the opportunity to say a few words about our dear friend Ruth. In relation
to her other friends, I was a new friend. I became a fellow resident of Swan Lake Village,
a little over 7 years ago. We came together by a fateful coincidence. Ruth and I were both
long-time, retired nurses. Unknown to each other, we shared a mutual friend. The friend
was a nurse-classmate from Ruth’s TGH days, and a nurse-teacher colleague from my
early TWH days.
This friend made sure that Ruth knew that I had moved into the village. Ruth phoned me
and, as we were speaking on the phone, she asked me where, in our little village I had
moved. She laughed with gusto when I told her and asked me to go my kitchen window.
Ruth’s kitchen window looked right into mine. We faced each other, waving
enthusiastically and with delight. We became fast friends and over the years, we termed
ourselves, “kindred spirits”.
In the early days, we would shop together, enjoy a restaurant meal and visit Reeser’s, in
Stouffville, to secure a favorite cake. Another coincidence, the cake was appropriately
called Ruthie’s Rhubarb coffee cake. We both loved it, ate it often and it is still being
sold, today.
Alas, as the years went by, Ruth’s health began to decline. Ruth, homebound now, would
tell me about the wonderful visits she received from her many Swan Lake friends. She
was most appreciative of these visits and valued her friends’ company and the many
conversations, they shared.
Ruth was good for my ego. I noted that Ruth enjoyed a home-cooked meal and I started
bringing her a full Sunday dinner, on a regular basis. Now, I have to confess, I am a very
mediocre cook. None the less, Ruth would view what was on the plate with enthusiasm
and made me feel I had produced a masterpiece. I served Brussel sprouts on many
occasions and only learned, after she had moved to her retirement home, that she actually
hated Brussel sprouts. So gracious was she!
Ruth had such a way with people. She drew people to her like a magnate. I think about
the time she had cataract surgery. Because of limitations to her arms, she was unable,
herself, to instill the numerous eyedrops, prescribed. To the rescue came her loyal Swan
Lake friends. Over 4 full weeks she carefully pre scheduled and assigned her willing
friends to eyedrop duty; and, in such a way, that no person was ever over-burdened.
As Ruth became frailer, caregivers from the community were required. As you may
know, finding competent, caring assistance can be difficult Turnover of staff and
consistency can be a challenge. Not for Ruth. Again, her magnate qualities attracted her
caregivers. Many stayed with her for months and others, for years. She learned to rely on
her very caring, competent driver, who, with precision, took her to her many
appointments. She was so appreciative of her community registered nurse, who provided
the professional care she required. Both these wonderful people stayed with Ruth even
when she moved on to her retirement home. In her ebbing days, her family, the staff at
Bloom Retirement Home and her faithful registered nurse made Ruth’s passing as smooth
as it could possibly be.
Finally, I wish to express my admiration for Ruth’s ability to withstand so many
challenges, with such unfailing faith in her God. I believe this concluding prayer portrays
her unstinting faith. The author is unknown.
Prayer for Healing and Comfort
O Lord,
Only you know how hard life has been for me.
Only you have seen each moment of my day and night.
Only you feel my pain and understand my discomfort.
Only you are beside me through my grief and sorrow.
Only you have been within each moment to comfort me.
O Lord, break through the loneliness of my suffering.
For you have encountered sorrow and have laid a glorious path
Of hope, of healing and the promise of heaven, that now fills my heart.
C.C. Corresp. Feb 6/25 Charmaine Caron
I am at the hospital with Daniel. He has a high fever since this morning and it didn't come down after giving him paracetamol. Took him to a nearest hospital. They tested for malaria but said it was negative. They gave him antibiotics and we went home. He slept all afternoon but by evening the fever was very high.
Now we are at Malolo hospital...the newest and better equipped hospital. He gets blood tests done. Will let you know how it goes. Faraja has volunteered to be with us. Thanks for your prayers!!!
I am memorising scripture in Ngakarimojong together with my community health team. We are able to review verses together each morning before work. This month we have been working on Psalm 30:1-2 and most now can say it. Please pray that they will internalise scripture and share it with their children.
Ngikirukisyo 30:1-2
1. Okoe Ekapolon, ekepuri ayoŋ iyoŋ, anerae ikiu iyoŋ ayoŋ, ido ibu iyoŋ nyimyek ŋimoe kaŋ akakyenatar ayoŋ.
I will exalt you, Lord, for you lifted me out of the depths and did not let my enemies gloat over me.
2. Okoe Ekapolon Akuj kaŋ, abu ayoŋ ekalou neni kon eŋita akitaŋaleuno, ido ibu iyoŋ ikitaŋaleu ayoŋ.
Lord my God, I called to you for help, and you healed me.
Thank you for praying for Aomori Megumi Baptist Church's snow camp on Saturday. Not only was it a wonderful time for missionary kids from three families to spend a fun time together, it was also attended by Johnny's friend and two girls who do not come from Christian families, and by another girl who does come from a Christian background. Please pray that the seed of the gospel message shared after game time will take root and eventually bear fruit.
Click photo for a camp update.
Please join us in praying for the following
Upcoming Events:
January 18 Aomori Megumi (Grace) Baptist Church's Snow Camp at ACC
January 25 Igloo Making Event at ACC
February 22 Family Snow Camp at ACC
Also, for Aomori International Christian Fellowship's weekly Sunday evening worship services at ACC
Click photo for full update.
We are giving thanks to the Lord for His immense grace and strength as we celebrate several huge milestones:
After two years of research, thinking, and writing day by day, Mary Anne has at last finished the memoir of her spiritual journey. (The details are in the attachment below.)
The two of us have just turned 90 and our whole family (children, grandchildren, great-grands and Jack's niece and nephews and their families as well as four close friends) are coming this week-end, November 8-10 to celebrate with us and give thanks for the life He has given us. Please join us in praying for a joyful, loving, meaningful week-end for everyone.
The Seminary in Medellin, Colombia is celebrating their 80th Anniversary and UCU, the student moment with whom we ministered is celebrating their 55th Anniversary. Jack will be traveling to Colombia on November 11th and speaking to both groups in Medellin. He covets your prayers for him during his two weeks in Colombia. (See details in the attachment below.)
Finally we give thanks for your friendship and support over so many years.
Your grateful friends,