

Sunday, October 27


Jim Mason, Challenge Enterprises,

“Pray that the church in Ghana will be light and salt to the people of this country. Pray the Church will exhibit these
qualities in the face of global hardship that has affected many in Ghana.” 


Marg Roth

Margaret Roth, a retired Knox supported missionary who served in Central and South America, fell asleep in the Lord sometime in the night on Saturday. We trust that the saying is trustworthy and true that "blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on... they will rest from their labours, for their deeds follow them" and so grieve with joy and hope in the resurrection to eternal life.

Margaret's passing was sudden for her family, and they are in the midst of processing the loss of time they thought they had and trying to stay on top of all the busy-ness that comes with a death while also making space to remember and to mourn. Please pray for Margaret's family in their grief, that they would know comfort by the Holy Spirit.

The service from Benton Baptist was live-streamed at 11 a.m.


Luke & Yuko Elliot

I have been working on a full Prayer Letter for many weeks now, trying to summarize the blessings of the summer camp season and to choose dozens of representative photos out of thousands in my files. So far, new events and developments have been outpacing my efforts to complete that Prayer Letter.

Now, though, I need to send a special update to ask for your prayer for the coming week.


Leah Hopp

OCTOBER 17     Tata Lucia, my Karimojong granny, was bit by a dog and is now on anti-rabies injections. The Mercy Committee of our local church plant is supporting her medical treatment. Her daughter, Takan, is doing well. Her granddaughter, Nait, is now 16 years old. Please pray for her as she no longer attends church. I haven't seen her in a long while. Yes, anti-rabies are expensive here too. The mission clinic, Akisyon aYesu (Compassion of Jesus) Presbyterian Clinic (AYPC), is the only health centre within a two hour drive that carries this vaccine. The local church plant and the mission are subsidizing this cost for Tata (grandma) Lucia.

Mary Jane Fandrich

Have just returned from a delightful celebration of granddaughter and son-in-law Grant's wedding, accomplished a year ago August 2023 so that they could both be posted to an Army Post in Texas. This August, 2024, their baby Daniel was born making me a great-grand mother. Welcome Daniel!
God is directing me to Lebanon to supply needed hands in caring for the myriad children now abandoned on the streets and the 20 remaining in HOH in Kahale, my previous post.
I have two doctors' appointments to cover before I go and an
apartment to take down and store (again). Pray for wisdom and God's guidance for all of us: that God will get glory from this and that many children will be rescued and brought to Jesus for Life and Peace.


Luke & Yuko Elliot, Aomori Christian
Center, Japan

“Towards the end of October, we will begin the demolition of ACC's old main building and bring in a new
electrical line to supply power to all our new, remaining and future buildings.
Please pray for us as we face the challenging task of organizing and disposing of decades of accumulated junk.”

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